Providing Critical Water and Sanitation Services in Brazil

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BRK Ambiental is one of the largest private water distribution, collection and treatment companies in Brazil and was acquired by 香港六合彩开奖结果 in 2017. The business provides critical water and sanitation services through exclusive multi-decade contracts and serves more than 16 million people in over 100 cities.  

Around half of the Brazilian population doesn’t have sewage collection in their homes. BRK Ambiental is helping to change that by investing in supply and collection networks and effluent treatment structures. It is estimated that every Brazilian real invested in sanitation and water supply contributes 5.2 reais of economic benefits in Brazil through reduced health care and other costs.

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The business is well-positioned to expand access to quality water and sewage collection and treatment in Brazil and is committed to long-term sustainable growth.

video runtime: 2:38